How to limit CPU usage of a process in windows 11
There are two ways you can reduce CPU usage of an exe process in windows. One of the ways is opening the task manager and ending all running programs that result in high CPU usage. Another alternative is to use the windows registry editor to change the priority of all processes in question.
The CPU usage of processes in windows 10 is a tutorial on reducing CPU usage of processes. If a program or a game is using plenty of CPU resources without you knowing, you will get avenues of how to stop them in windows 11 using the task manager.
Windows 11 has an option known as CPU Affinity in the task manager. You can configure this affinity for all tasks to regulate the number of CPU works permitted to utilize. You will access many cores in the processor affinity selection box. The reason for this is that many CPUs are multicore. The following guidelines will help you in this process.
Click the CNTRL + SHIFT + ESC on the windows 11 desktop screen to start the task manager. The task manager window may be in the simplicity mode without visible tabs. The mode will have the manager have a few applications with little or no information. You need to click on more to expand the task manager.
Select the program you want to restrict under the processes tab to expand the processes list the app is executing. Right click on the process you want to restrict on the details side. Set the affinity using the highlighted process. Choose the CPU core the selected core can use using the checkbox next to the CPU core. Configure the affinity of each process in the applications with many processes.