Learn all the basic chords (chord dasar) of the most popular songs of the moment
Surely if you are learning to play the guitar, you want to take a leap and start learning songs. You must have already noticed that the first steps are quite boring, so it is not strange that you sit in front of your audio player to try many times without success to get the chords of the songs you like the most.
As you may have noticed, it isn’t very easy since you must have a sharp enough ear to distinguish the notes. In addition, the lack of experience will always play against you in those songs with much more complex harmonic progressions; for example, the sevenths and the sixths always sound the same.
First, you must study enough to begin to notice the difference in each of their positions or inversions. But, if you want to get ahead and learn some songs while continuing in your usual classes and training your ear, as your guitar teacher suggests, you can find the most popular songs at chordtela.cc
Learn basic chords (chord dasar) with this page
Yes, by taking out songs, you can also learn chords that you can use in other songs, including your own, but you have to start somewhere to do it. On this page, you will be able to find songs with their guitar chord (kunci gitar) very well defined so that you learn them and sing them whenever you like. In addition, you can transport it to other keys if you need it.
This is a way of learning and feeling that you are moving forward. In general, guitar classes at first are monotonous and dedicated to teaching you the chords and basic harmonic circles little by little, so you will spend hours making chords only if you see the relationship between them and a melody. Still, you don’t have to despair.
Little by little, you will be able to recognize some chords in the songs, and if you are guided by the harmonic figures of this web page, in a short time, you will be able to be singing your favorite songs with your guitar.
Learn the guitar chords (chord kunciGitar) progression of your favorite songs
Every song has a chord progression, each one possibly different or in various keys. If you want to learn them quickly, one of the easiest ways is to guide yourself through the encrypted songs that you will find on this website. You also have some video tutorials to learn the relationship between time and rhythm with a slightly more experienced guitarist. Don’t miss out on the fun.